Friday, July 29, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese Has New Pizza

We went to Chuck E. Cheese the other day, to play, and check out their new pizza! Did you know they had new pizza? Yeah, they revamped their pizza recipe for yummier than ever pizza! It was so good! We all were quiet while we ate instead of the usual chatter. The pizza was so good, we ate it all up! And then we were stuffed, so we had to sit there a minute before we played again, hee hee. I really did not like the pizza before, not quite sure why, can't put my finger on it. So I always used to get the awesome salad bar. But I tried the new pizza, and love it. The dough is great, and the cheese - nummmm! It was all really good. We were not disappointed. Go to your nearest Chuck E. Cheese, and play and eat the yummy new pizza! You can find great coupons for Chuck E. Cheese too, and check out their Facebook for deals and coupons as well!

This post was sponsored by Chuck E. Cheese and MCC PR Agency.

1 comment:

  1. I *love* their pizza now. Before it was borderline cardboard - I was telling my husband how delicious it was the last time I was there. :)


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