Thursday, December 6, 2012

Daddy Scrubs *Giveaway* - 2012 Gift Guide is the offspring of Robert Nickell, who fathered his first four children more than 20 years ago. DaddyScrubs was conceived when Robert, who remarried in 2007, discovered he was about to be a father all over again in the fall of 2009! Not wanting to endure the pains of wearing uncomfortable street clothes while comforting his laboring wife, Robert hatched the idea of creating doctor-like scrubs for himself. It seemed a natural thing for him to do - since Robert is a pharmacist by profession. To eliminate the confusion between “who’s the doctor” and “who’s the daddy,” Robert fashioned the concept of “I’m the Daddy!” medical scrubs. All comfort wear from DaddyScrubs - including “I’m the Daddy!” medical scrubs and t-shirts are available exclusively online at
 I got Jason a vintage Daddy tee. What does being a Daddy mean to you? A proud man, a reluctant diaper changer, chief bottle warmer - being a daddy can mean many different things to different men. Wearing a Vintage Tee by DaddyScrubs usually means only one thing though: You are one fashionable father! The vintage Daddy design lists dictionary-style descriptions over the signature baby feet on the front, and boldly states, I’m the Daddy on the back, letting everyone know he’s a proud daddy! The fresh vintage t-shirts are suited for delivery room newbies and diaper changing first-timers as well veteran daddies who have been around the block. Help him come into his own as a father with this unique style. It is a very nice quality t-shirt, and Jason said he loves it. I want a I'm The Mommy shirt like it. That would be cool. Check out this great video and enter to giveaway below!


  1. I follow by GFC and email!

    thank you for doing all of these giveaways!!

  2. I am a GFC follwer as Austin Baroudi.

  3. I follow Daddy Scrubs on facebook and by email :)

  4. i follow by GFC (priscillavalentina) and NetworkedBlogs (joanna Garcia)

  5. i follow by GFC (priscillavalentina) and NetworkedBlogs ( Joanna garcia

  6. Im a GFC follower Laura Jacobson

  7. I follow you by & GFC-Sue Hull
    Thank you for the cool giveaway! :)

  8. I follow via GFC: allibrary and by email.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. ollow via email, GFC, G+(HollyC)!!!Thanks for the chance, Happy Holidays!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))

  10. I follow by email
    805chick7 at gmail dot com

  11. i love this site and follow on gfc kathy dalton

  12. I follow via GFC


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