Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Magical Tooth Fairies *Giveaway*

This first book/episode in the Magical Tooth Fairies series follows Lynn, Leo, Lino, Basta and Professor as they discover the magic found in baby teeth and demonstrate the importance of keeping teeth clean and healthy.
Surely you’ve heard that tooth fairies collect baby teeth from under children’s pillows and leave a coin in return. But have you ever wondered what the fairies do with those teeth? Find out in the first book of the Magical Tooth Fairies series, as Lynn, Leo, Lino, Basta, and Professor discover the magic found in baby teeth and demonstrate the importance of keeping teeth clean and healthy. In the rest of the series, follow the tooth fairies in their adventures all over the world as they help children and battle the evil McCavity. Based on a popular cartoon, each book in this series comes with a DVD of the corresponding episode, simultaneously entertaining and educating children on the importance of brushing their teeth. I think this is a great series, and its fun, while also teaching our kiddos an important lesson.

Join the free America's ToothFairy Kids Club. Members will receive personalized letters from the ToothFairy and quarterly fun educational activities!


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