Monday, April 15, 2013

Everest Nutrition Krill Oil *Giveaway*

When it comes to superiority, Everest Nutrition’s Krill Oil is the real McCoy. In the fresh, majestic waters surrounding the Antarctic, lie a wealth of Omega-3’s that ‘blow fish oils out of the water’. Numerous independent scientific studies have discovered Everest Nutrition’s Krill Oil to provide 54x the antioxidant power than that of regular fish oil.
Everest Nutrition’s Krill Oil is extracted from Krill living deep within the waters surrounding the Antarctic. Krill are very small, shrimp like crustaceans found in open seas throughout the world. Research from the scientific and medical communities confirms the incredible effects this oil can have in promoting heart and joint health, lowered cholesterol, improved moods and comfort during menstruation. When addressing holistic health, krill oil is literally a miraculous discovery within the Omega-3 industry!

Okay, maybe this is TMI, but I just had an IUD placed recently, and it was awful. All the docs tell you to take is Ibuprofen. But along with that, I also took this Krill Oil supplement, and the pain was alleviated astronomically! Love it!


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