Monday, April 15, 2013

This Is Our Time DVD *Giveaway*

This Is Our Time presented by Pure Flix releases on DVD and Blu-Ray tomorrow. It will be available nationwide at Family Christian Stores and most Christian online and brick-and-mortar retail stores nationwide.

About This Is Our Time
The movie tells the interwoven stories of Luke (T.J. Dalrymple) and AlĂ© (Erin Bethea), who marry right after school and move to India to serve as missionaries for Embrace A Village, a ministry that cares for those afflicted with leprosy and their families; aspiring financier Catherine (Kate Cobb), who joins a prestigious financial institution determined to make an impact on corporate America; Ryder (Matthew Florida), who lands an impressive job in social media and can’t wait to use the powerful medium for a greater good; and Ethan (Shawn-Caulin Young,) seemingly the odd man out, who struggles to find his God-given-purpose and feels sidelined by God. “What they all come to learn is that it never really was their time,” Arnold said. “It always was, always is, God’s time.”

This is a great movie for young adults. It is touching and heartfelt! I really enjoyed it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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