Friday, November 8, 2013

Care Bears: The Great Giving Holiday - 2013 Gift Guide *Giveaway*

Care Bears: The Great Giving Holiday
Tis' the season to be caring with the all-new CGI holiday special Care Bears: The Great Giving Holiday DVD, Digital Download, Video On Demand and Pay-Per-View. Currently airing on the Hub Network in 72 million households, the popularity of the iconic Care Bears continues with this latest magical adventure about the true meaning of giving. The Care Bears: The Great Giving Holiday DVD, including a bonus episode, will be available for the suggested retail price of $14.98.

Come along to Care-a-Lot and join Great Giving Bear, Harmony and all their cuddly Bear friends in this new adventure filled with holiday cheer! Great Giving Day and hibernation are just around the corner...and so is trouble! The unbearable Beastly tries to spoil the holidays, the Great Giving Day Pageant is overrun by a troublemaker and Cheer's helpful nature means she might not gather enough food for hibernation. Only with teamwork and caring can the Bears come together in friendship to save this special time of year.


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  2. I follow via gfc meegan whitford

  3. Darlene Jones-NelsonNovember 8, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    I follow Via Twitter

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    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

    Lisa Reitano

  5. I follow email, gfc, g+, pintetrest, network blogs, twitter , fb and linkd

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

    Lisa Reitano

  6. I follow via GFC susanmcneill6

  7. Jennifer - Vicki Vix on RafflecopterNovember 9, 2013 at 6:45 AM

    Follow via GFC and G+ as "From Furrin". Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. i follow via gfc with name amanda rauch

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  10. I follow you via GFC as Holly S.

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    Tami Valentine

  12. I follow on GFC as Anita Yancey, also follow by Email, Twitter, and Facebook.


  13. I follow GFC,Facebook ,Twitter

  14. Following: G+, GFC, FB, Pinterst, Networked blogs, Email!!!! Thanks for the chance....


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