Monday, December 16, 2013

Toon Hero So So Happy #Giveaway

 Just in Time For The Holidays, SO SO Happy Characters Get A Christmas Makeover and Take the Stage on Popular Animation App.

Trigger Happy, the creators of the animated storytelling app, Toon Hero, teamed up with the popular lifestyle brand, SO SO Happy, which taps into young people’s universal desire for love, acceptance, and respect, to release limited edition holiday-themed characters and props for people of all ages as part of their 12 days of Christmas campaign. Combining the spirit of the holidays and the quirky characters of SO SO Happy, users can send holiday greetings, stories, jokes and more without any training or artistic ability.
Christmas Limited edition characters include:

Characters will be available for 99 cents from today through Christmas. Other exclusive characters and properties that are already available on Toon Hero include: Valve’s Portal 2, The Jim Henson Company, Hero: 108, Mukpuddy, and National Geographic among others. Toon Hero is available in 14 different languages and free to download from the App Store on iPad..


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Empress Creed

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