Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Little Thinker Box - January 2014 #Giveaway

Kidable Adventures creates hands-on educational products for kids that help them learn through creative play. They offer the Kidable Adventures Box and the Little Thinker Box. We got the Little Thinker Box for Callan!
The Little Thinker Box is a monthly subscription service for children preparing to enter Pre-K or Kindergarten. Each month the child is sent a themed-based activity box that focuses on reading, writing, math, science, and other skills; using fun games, crafts, and experiments. Each month’s theme is a surprise! January was the Super Health Hero box! Callan loved it! They had so many activities in one box! It was awesome! Callan liked Brushing The Cavities Away the best! He did it for hours! It is a great box! I highly recommend it!


  1. Darlene Jones-NelsonApril 1, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    I would like to win this cause I watch kids and they need to learn how to play creatively.

  2. I would love to win this for my granddaughter, who will be entering kindergarten soon. She loves to learn and some days it is hard for me to stimulate her.

  3. I would love to win this for my teen daughter that babysits for the little girl down the street. I think it would be great for her to have my daughter play the games with her.
    Ann B.
    ababe28 at hotmail.com

  4. I'd like to win because these kits look like fun. They are educational at the same time!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. I love this for my niece, she is super curious and love to learn and try things ,this would be great gift for her!

  6. It would be a great way for my son to learn a new skill

  7. I would love to win this for my two girls. I love subscription boxes like these that are both fun and educational.

  8. I would love to win this for my grandson. We are always looking for new projects and/or activities to do together. This would be perfect!

  9. My granddaughter is just the right age for this. It would be nice to have it since we have her after Pre K

  10. Oh this would be perfect for Carter and I to do! He will be starting PreK this fall...and I have been trying to come up with things to do with him at home each day. I would love this!

  11. This be great for my son. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  12. This would be great for my grandchildren!

  13. Love to win this for My Grand Daughter's to get them ready for school

  14. this would be fun for my daughter to do

  15. This would be excellent for my son. He's a little bit behind in some areas, ahead in others, and this would be a fantastic tool to help him prepare for entering a school environment (he's four years old.)


  16. My granddaughters would have so much fun with this.

  17. This would be great for my daughter!

  18. I would love to win because my son is just going to be starting pre-k

  19. My niece is in pre-school and this box would be perfect for her!

  20. I would love for my granddaughters

  21. i would love to win this for my son!! he loves crafting and learning!! senior06chs@aol.com

  22. I would love to win this because I love doing activities with my kids.

  23. Would love to win for my son, looks fun and educational.

  24. I would love to win this for my Granddaughter, I think she would love it. If I win she could get a taste of the boxes and it would be something to continue.
    Thank you for the chance,

  25. I would love to win this to help in getting my son ready for school. Thanks for the chance!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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