Saturday, May 3, 2014

Celsius Energy On-The-Go #Giveaway

The warm weather is back which means no more hibernation! With summer quickly approaching, it’s time to get healthy and fit for bikini season. Celsius is the world’s first and only negative calorie drink, backed by multiple clinical studies. Studies show that drinking a great tasting Celsius before exercise helps you burn up to 100 calories and more per serving, boosts metabolism, reduces body fat, increases endurance and provides lasting energy. Celsius is powered by MetaPlus, a blend of ingredients designed to work together to increase calorie burning over a three-hour period. The formula is the result of years of research and testing and while the mix is proprietary, consumers readily recognize and trust the healthier blend of its ingredients such as: Green Tea with EGCG, Ginger, Calcium, Chromium, Caffeine, Guarana, and Vitamins B & C. For maximum convenience try Celsius on-the-go: Celsius “On-The-Go” Stick Packets mix easily with water for a refreshing taste and contains the same benefits powered by the unique MetaPlus formula. Simply add one stick to your water bottle for a refreshing drink prior to activity.


  1. I want to try this in addition to my exercise plan!

  2. I have narcolepsy and am supposed to go easy on caffeine because of my heart so I would love to find something that helped without messing with me!

  3. I want to win this because it looks awesome and I could really use some extra energy.

  4. I have fibro and chronic fatigue so I try everything I can to get energy

  5. Darlene Jones-NelsonMay 6, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    I work stupid hours and when I need to be "awake" its so hard to stay that way!

  6. I am on a weight loss journey and could use the help.

    Michelle F.

  7. I need more energy to keep up with a busy toddler

  8. As the single parent of three kids, I need more energy!!! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  9. I could use the energy boost.

  10. I would love to try it for the energy and the metabolism boost.
    heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  11. I really could use more energy!

  12. I need a boost of energy every day to spend time with kids

  13. Love to have more energy in my day!

  14. Because I need energy boost throughout the day

  15. I stay tired. I get about 4 hours of sleep a night


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