Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love Is In The Air #PutYourHeartToPaper This #ValentinesDay #Giveaway

When you think of your most important relationships at Valentine’s Day (or any time of the year) – both romantic and non-romantic – what comes to mind? What do you want to say to the people you hold near and dear? Whatever kind of love you wish to express, #PutYourHeartToPaper so your loved ones will have a lasting reminder of how you feel. There is never a wrong time to let someone know how you feel.
I got a Valentine's Pack which featured the latest designs from Hallmark, including cards from the StudioInk and Signature collections. The #PutYourHeartToPaper site, which just went live recently, as the name and theme suggests, where the idea is to capture what you want to say to those you love in written form so they’ll have a tangible and long-lasting reminder of how you feel. Right now, the site has a series of videos that Hallmark shot with six couples and some tips for writing a love-letter. More content is on the way as well. I love the videos where you have to describe how you feel about someone without saying "I love you". Because sometimes the emotions go so much farther than just love!


  1. I would love to win this because I simply love everything Hallmark. I actually worked at a Hallmark store for quite awhile.

  2. These cards look so great. I'd love to win because nice cards are rare and pricey!

  3. i absolutely love Hallmark gifts, cards, and collectibles. they have amazing, high-quality, sentimental, and one-of-a-kind items!

  4. I want to win this because I love Hallmark cards.

  5. I love the designs on the cards so unique. And I love Hallmark cards.

  6. love to win these for my wife. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

  7. I would love to win this because I am a fan of Hallmark & could use some nice cards!


  8. I would like to win these because I would like to write more!

  9. I give cards all the time and hallmark is the best cards to give

  10. I would love to win this beautiful prize because I love Hallmark cards!
    Thank You So Much for the chance

    Fiona N

  11. I love having cards on hand for our crafts!

  12. I want to win because I love Hallmark cards and cards in general

  13. I love Hallmark cards! Plus I love V-day cards.

    PS: your FB link isn't working - I tried searching for your page also but couldn't find it. :(

  14. I love Valentine's Day and I love Hallmark!

  15. I want to win this because I love hallmark and could really use this.

  16. I love having cards on hand. You never know when a special occasion pops up and hallmark has wonderful cards.

  17. Because I love sending out card to my loved ones.

  18. I would love to win because I love the way Hallmark expressions are - shaunie

  19. I would love to win these because I believe that it is important to send cards--handwritten notes to those you love. While it may be easier to send ecards, getting something in the mail that took time to write or pen is priceless!

  20. This would be perfect for my daughter... she loves cute cards in her lunchbox!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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